Sunday, February 03, 2008

Towards a better Earth

I've changed my template yet again. It's now black. And dreary.

I read yesterday that a white screen consumes a lot more energy, and a black one saves the most energy. So, since I am trying to be more environmentally aware (I've been using a bayong and canvas bags for my shopping since last year, for example) and so that my readers, too, are consuming less energy when they're on my page, I hereby present the black Topaz Horizon.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Keyboard fun

Look at what I learned to do today!


Heehee. What a cute bunny...

Monday, December 31, 2007

I hug you!

I saw this video on YouTube today.

It's about the Free Hugs Campaign by Juan Mann. He turned something so simple - hugging - into a most marvelous magical thing.

I read somewhere before that hugging is good for the heart. Literally. Hugs slow down the heart rate and decrease blood pressure. So it's the best free heart and blood pressure medicine there is! Plus, it's such a joy to give and receive.

Go hug somebody today. It's my New Year's resolution, to hug at least one person every single day. Oh, and one fat rabbit, too!

Happy New Year everybody! I wish you love, joy, peace and all of God's wonderful blessings! Hugs to you!