Sunday, April 22, 2012

I'm still here!

Halloo halloo halloo!

Due to insistent public demand (on Twitter hehe), I am going to pop back in here and say, "Dearest readers, I am still alive!" Nope, I haven't given birth yet either. But, boy, every day already feels like labor day because it takes so much work for me to get from Point A to Point B, even if A is the bed and B is the bathroom (that's like 3 feet apart). And in this horrid heat!

So my last post was almost 10 days ago. That's like eons in blogging! Here's what's been happening:
  • We had to stop the presses because Brad and Angelina got engaged. Or, rather, Brad finally got her a ring since sources say he actually proposed over Christmas. So imagine the huge hullabaloo of pulling out pages, writing, editing, choosing photos, etc for the May issue of the Hollywood celebrity magazine I edit, while the production and printing teams were breathing down our necks.
  • It wasn't just work deadlines that were killing me. I also had an article to write for Good Housekeeping and sponsored posts for my blogs. I'm not complaining, though. Well, I know I keep complaining but in my heart I'm glad. 
  • I also fired the yaya/maid just before Holy Week so it's been really difficult minding the toddler, the house, the career. But ya know what? Life ain't easier but it's so much better!
  • I was also caught in a flurry of activities in preparation for the house renovation. Yep, we're such crammers. We decided--super last minute!--to fix up the house and add storage space because of the new baby (we can't wait to see you, Wiggle!)
  • I've also been crying a lot because I've been elbow-deep in Vito's old clothes, taking out kimonos, mittens, booties and cloth diapers for Wiggle. Each item holds a beloved memory! I've been overwhelmed with emotion. If I'm like this with baby clothes, I don't know what I'd do when the kids go off to college or get married! 
  • In the middle of all that, Vince and I quietly celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary and the 13th anniversary of our first kiss. It was a most beautiful day! But I won't talk about it. Let me just say I'm more in love than ever.
  • We also suddenly decided to go to Sofitel. This heat is unbearable. So the boys soaked in the pool. I wanted to but... well, that's a story for another post!
I'll try to blog more often this week, here and on Topaz Mommy. I have so much kwento! Enjoy your Sunday! Try not to melt or boil!

Friday, April 13, 2012

10 ways to travel in style, with inspiration from Emmy Rossum

Summer time, travel time. Everyone's Facebook updates and Tweets are all about where they went during the long break and where they're going to next. My little family and I had a staycation. We always stay in the city during Holy Week, especially this year with my advanced pregnancy! Oh, we totally loved the quiet of Manila. But... I've been itching to leave the city for a good long while now. And when I saw Emmy Rossum's travel outfit, I felt the itch even more!

That's how I usually look when I travel. A comfy outfit but one that will get me through immigration without experiencing that judgmental look immigration officials just love to give people. The first time I traveled abroad, I was so scared I'd be sent back home--I was a young, single Filipina traveling alone. Supposedly, that sets off alarms with immigration officials. You're either looking for a foreigner husband or you're a prostitute. Grrr! And, I was told, we Pinays don't help because we dress like slobs when we travel. Or we dress in skimpy outfits.

"So what should I wear?" I wailed. Here are the tips I got:
  1. Wear comfortable clothes. But not too comfy, like mini-skirts, pajamas, ratty shirts and jeans, and the like. Emmy's look is a great example. I also like a tailored shift dress or a jersey wrap dress--it's wrinkle-free and easy to lift when I need to go to the tiny plane loo. 
  2. Dark jeans that have a great fit can pass off as slacks. See how Emmy's navy jeans look almost formal.
  3. Always bring a tailored jacket or blazer. Toss this on and it instantly upgrades your outfit. Just look at how Emmy's red jacket makes her jeans-and-tee ensemble extraordinary!
  4. Your shoes should be comfortable, the type that won't hurt your feet when you're navigating through huge airports. But don't wear slippers.
  5. Don't wear shoes that are hard to take off. Emmy's lace-up oxfords is an example.
  6. Wear your jewelry. Real gold doesn't set off the metal detector. Jewelry isn't safe in your luggage. You'll look better (and richer!) with jewelry on. Check out Emmy's big earrings!
  7. Don't wear metal. Like belts with big buckles. Emmy didn't wear a belt at all.
  8. Be well groomed--powder, lipstick, mascara, whatever. Not too much (you have to look like your passport photo). See how Emmy looks so clean and fresh and respectable? That's what good grooming looks like. People treat well-groomed travelers better. 
  9. Hairstyle should be clean and unfussy. A low ponytail or bun is manageable and won't get in the way when you lean your head back on the seat's headrest.
  10. Your tote should be big enough to hold your travel documents, money and mini toiletries, like a hand sanitizer, a toothbrush, lotion, whatever you need to freshen up after a long flight. Plus, there should also be room for a scarf in case the plane gets cold. And a book--always travel with a book! I like Emmy's basic black bag. It's structured yet roomy!
So there you have it! Now you know my travel style tips! What are yours?

*photo from VPQV

Thursday, April 12, 2012

He's the only Edward for me!

For me, there's only one Edward who's unnaturally white, undead and perfect.

Sigh. I miss Johnny and Winona!

P.S. For the kiddies, that's Edward Scissorhands. Watch it.