Happy birthday, Vito! |
Today is my firstborn's birthday. Two years ago, my life was profoundly changed by a little boy that I always thought would never be for me. But life has a funny way of surprising us and it sure gave me a big surprise—a wonderful, magical surprise named Vito.
You know what's funny, too? Even though I always insisted I was never going to have children, my actions said otherwise (and I didn't even realize it!). When I was 26 years old—that's 10 years ago!—I bought myself a life insurance plan from Sun Life. Part of my policy is maternal benefits. Yes, I get money for each child I bear! And when I die, I also listed "future children" as my beneficiaries.
I know it's such a morbid thought but I've always had a great attitude towards death. It comes from being a Born Again Christian, methinks. Once you've prepared for the end (and the eternal life that comes after!), you get to enjoy life better. There is no fear, no uncertainty, no darkness that clouds your daily life if the future is secure.
That's why even before our sons were born, Vince and I prepared for their future by making them the beneficiaries of our insurance policies. We're also talking about investing in mutual funds for Vito and Iñigo with our agent and financial planner, Sun Life's Kendrick Chua (if you want his number, leave a comment and I'll DM it!). We just enjoy securing our sons' future—once that's done, makakatulog na kami nang mahimbing and we can truly enjoy life to the fullest!
Now, when Sun Life asked me to write about their new campaign, "Experience Sun Shorts," of course I said yes!!! Vince and I are very happy Sun Life policy holders so it's no problem to share with my readers our experience. But first, let me tell you about the campaign.
Sun Life asked five renowned film directors to interpret the insurance company's motto, "Life's brighter under the Sun." This is my current favorite:
You know, yesterday morning, I was watching
Toy Story 3 and I cried during the opening montage that showed Andy growing up—playing with his toys, teasing his sister, celebrating birthdays... Oh, birthdays! As a mommy, I know all too well that life is so frighteningly fast and brief. When I watched this Sun Short, "A Life in a Day," I was again reminded of that. Especially that part where the couple is walking and parang every few steps, lumaki na anak nila, nag-aral, nag-graduate, nag-asawa... I know Vito's only 2 years old now but it was only yesterday when I gave birth to him!!! It's just too fast, how time flies.
But we're enjoying every single day. And we're preparing the boys' future—kahit ano pang gustuhin nila! Good schools, travel, medical needs, a life without their parents. Because isn't that what good parents do—we prepare our kids for that bittersweet day when they'll no longer need us.
That's why I firmly believe in financial security and preparedness. It's not so hard. It's just setting aside a thousand pesos a month, investing a little, discipline, control and a resolute eye on a bright future. I think "A Life in a Day" showed that we all have bright shiny dreams for the future but that nothing's certain except death. And that's not supposed to be a bad thing, you know. Let me quote one of my favorite authors:
"Man's mortality remains a gift which goes to the very heart of his being and points his will in the right direction... From a Christian perspective, the 'ultimate blessing' of the gift of death was not the extinction of life but, paradoxically, the fullness of life... Life, like death, demands the surrender of all."J.R.R. Tolkien
The gift of death is the fullness of life. My life is full. So very full, my puny heart can't contain it! Our future is so bright and amazing because we've prepared for it. We're ready for it. And I hope you think about preparing for your future, too! I strongly urge you to just have a chat with a Sun Life agent (call Kendrick!!!) so that you can talk about your dreams and fears and how to have a secure tomorrow.
You can also visit Sun Life's website,
www.experiencethesun.com.ph, to know how you can make life brighter.
Oh, and do watch the other films. They're on the website, too (click the link above!). If you watch the films, you just might get the chance to win a trip to San Francisco! Nothing to lose, everything to gain!
Now excuse me while I prepare for Vito's weeklong birthday celebration!
For more mommy moments, check out my parenting blog,
Topaz Mommy!