Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Yes, it's been waaaaaay toooo long, HIMYM.

Plus, I feel bad for the Mother. She has one season to make everyone fall in love with her. And it wasn't love at first sight for any of us last season.
image source

Good luck, Mother! I love Ted Mosby. Please make me believe you deserve him!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Reader question: Are you really as nice as you portray on your blogs?

Am I nice? Depends on who you ask. If you ask some family members and relatives and people I fired, they'll tell you I'm not nice at all.

I think I'm nicer now. The kids had that effect. You see, if you asked me that question (and with how you actually asked it but I won't post here) a few years ago, I'd tell you off and not very nicely. But I'm mellower now, more patient, nicer... So I decided to have fun and answer your question.

Nice is a word that I'll never use to describe myself. Nice conjures images of simple, sweet girls who smile and obey and not ruffle feathers. Is that the image of me that you see here??? I must be doing something wrong haha. If you actually read the blog, you'll see that I'm not... nice.

But I have a good heart. I am fair and I am just. I will always right a wrong. I will help. I will give. But I tend to have a big mouth and a fiery temper. I will help but if I think you need help because you're an idiot, I will tell you you're an idiot while helping you. I lash out when I'm angry or upset over an injustice. I can't keep quiet and I can't be cool. I have hurt many people with my words and I don't apologize for what I say because I only say things that I mean. That's why I can't possibly be a nice girl.

Still, it's kinda cute people think I'm nice. It's sweet. Maybe there's hope for me yet.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Can't Fight This Feeling: The song of my life

Back to the 80s. That's my mood last weekend. I actually wanted to do a full post on My Top 10 Favorite 80s Songs (The Search is Over, Right Here Waiting, Bizarre Love Triangle, Always on My Mind, In My Dreams!!!) but I realized I liked waaaay too many songs from that period. It's an impossible task! They don't write songs like those anymore. Lyrics are very important to me. I'm a writer. I really pay attention to the words and the 80s was the best decade for music and lyrics.

REO Speedwagon's Can't Fight This Feeling is the song I sing to my baby IƱigo. It's a funny lullaby, sure, but that was what worked when I was desperately snatching songs from my memory one nap time. It's one of my most favorite songs. It's also the story of my life.

I've always run away from commitment. I never wanted to get married. Never wanted to have kids. Ask all my friends—they always initiated the friendship; I'm never the one to say hi first. I always need to be convinced that I want friends and I want love. I'm so glad and grateful that Vince and my friends and my sons prove to me every day how wrong I am to be so afraid.

Thank you so much for being the candle in the window. I'm finally finally home.