Wednesday, October 18, 2017

A Grooming Guide For Gorgeous Husbands

I’m sure your husband or partner knows the basics of keeping clean and hygienic, because you wouldn't have been attracted to him if he was a slovenly pig. But does he know how to stay impeccably groomed? I'm writing this because these articles with variations of the title "A good barber is like a plastic surgeon" have been popping up on my Facebook feed and... Have you seen it? Here's a glimpse:

Click here for more amazing makeovers!

So inspiring, right??? Makes you want to drag your husband to the barber stat!

Good grooming is the very foundation of looking good. Thankfully, I'm married to a man who likes to keep himself well-maintained. Thankfully also, it's accepted these days for men to pamper themselves. Gone are the days when men were expected to look horrible to be called real men. Hubbies like David Beckham who likes sampling his wife's skincare products have made good grooming a good thing. Thank the heavens! 

Now if your hubby needs a few extra pointers on good grooming, you should pass on this guide to him.

Use the Right Hair Products
There is no doubt that you will have spent plenty of time trying to figure out which hair products work best for your hair. But has your partner? I wrote about the importance of knowing your hair and scalp type before buying products on [How to Achieve Volume for Your Hair Length], in case you need more convincing.

Anyway, there are lots of shampoos and conditioners out there for men but, aside from the packaging and fragrances, they're not much different from products for women. Knwoing this, you can help your guy look for the products best for his hair and scalp type. The wrong ones could cause his hair to get too oily or dry.

Find A Barber
Why? Exhibit A above. There is no way your man will get a good haircut if he doesn’t go to a barber. My husband goes to a proper barber and I always find him wildly attractive after a haircut and shave. Truth! A barber can give your man a proper shave with a cutthroat blade—this shave will be a lot closer to the skin, so the hair will take longer to grow back. Smoother longer. Just run your hands all over that smooth face and neck mmmm.

Bare All Down There
A look at the article "Should Men Shave Their Legs? [ ]" will make you see that this isn’t such a strange question at all. In fact, many men wonder about this one, especially if they're really hairy. And my trips to the waxing salon also tell me that men really do care about going completely bare down there. The waxing girls tell me that the guys believe a hairless groin makes the penis look bigger and the balls cuter. Well, we learn something new every day!

So should your hubby shave or wax, too? The truth is that it doesn’t really matter if they should or shouldn't unless they and their ladies care about hairiness. Going hairless doesn't serve any purpose except for aesthetics or for sexual pleasure. Yes, sexual pleasure! Let your hubby try going smooth and bare and see if you'll both like it. I bet you will! 

Don’t Forget Feet
Ok, so not many people will see your husband’s feet, but it’s good for him to get into a good care routine for his feet as it is good for hygienic reasons. Using a pumice stone [tips here: The Correct Use of a Pumice Stone] can help keep the skin on the feet smooth and soft, and it will also prevent callouses from developing. 

One of my favorite parts of my hubby's body is his feet. They're much nicer and softer than mine! He says it's because he drinks water a lot and he wears socks and shoes when he goes out. Unike me and my sandals and high heels and tight shoes.  

Always Moisturize
Think moisturizing is only for women? Think again! Everyone with skin should moisturize on a daily basis. So if your partner has this organ called skin, throw him a tub of moisturizer. It will help prevent his face from getting dry and will also reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age lines. My husband says to exfoliate, too! A good marriage rests on good grooming, my mama friends, because the longer you look your best, the longer your marriage will last! Hahaha

Joking aside, keeping your hubby looking perfectly groomed isn’t so difficult. Just stock up on good hair and skincare products, find him a great barber, and maybe ask him to try going bare once in a while. Have fun!

*photo from Pixabay

Monday, October 16, 2017

How I made peace with homework

I never liked homework when I was a kid. I hated it even more when I became a parent of school-age kids. Many reasons I was dismayed at the task of helping my kids with homework: 

1. As a working mama with no yaya and kasambahay, I’m super busy with work, chores and errands.
2. My kids and I are already tired from a long day at school and work.
3. Weekends are supposed to be spent relaxing!
4. Aren’t I supposed to be done with schoolwork already???

I was so upset with homework that my husband Vince offered to take over the job, but since I’m the parent who’s in touch with the teachers and fellow parents, it’s actually easier if I do homework duty. We take turns now, or we handle specific subjects. Homework duty did lighten up but I still resented it, until I realized recently this very important fact: My kids’ school is not in charge of their education—I AM.

Vince and I decided to send them to this school because it’s considered as one of the very best in the country. Why should I then be upset if the school gives my kids lessons??? 

Yes, we’re being forced to spend time with our children but we’re spending that time doing something valuable: learning together. We have the incredible privilege of sharing our knowledge and wisdom. For example, our kindergartener IƱigo had homework about family. We don’t know how it happened but that turned into a discussion on how to make babies. Who better to teach our boys about sex than us, their parents?

The school is just the guide on what our kids should know academically, but when it comes to their real education, it’s up to Vince and me. In school, they are limited to 30 minutes per subject and lesson plans. At home, we take those lesson plans and expound on it. It’s Vince who patiently taught our sons to read, for example. The school may teach colors but I teach application through cooking and painting. The school teaches them handwriting but it’s Vince who strengthens the boys’ hands and fingers by making them play with Legos and and Play Doh. Their lessons don’t remain on the page because we make them come alive through daily teaching and practice. 

My activity sheets take a lot of time and effort so that lessons will be fun.

I realized that in many ways, we’re homeschoolers who send our kids to a learning institution for a few hours each day so that the boys have friends and learn to relate to people outside of family. But other than those few hours, their education rests mainly on Vince and me. Homework is homeschooling and, as parents and their first and most important teachers, I should never resent homework. 

Never underestimate the power of rewards!

I admit I still do! So we have little things that help ease the strain: We use their Legos for math lessons, we watch Batibot YouTube videos to learn Filipino, we play video games on the iPad to learn left/right/up/down/jump (and in Tagalog, too!), we test our knowledge on colors, counting and grouping when sorting the laundry, and all finished homework is rewarded by their favorite Nickelodeon TV show, three pieces of their favorite brain-fortifying Scott’s DHA Gummies, and a hug!

Always worth it to be my kids' teacher!

How about you, mamas? How do you feel about homework and how do you deal with it? If you have any tips on how to make homework easier for parents and kids alike, please share! 

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This post is brought to you by Scott's DHA Gummies.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

My 5 tips on how I keep our clothes looking new

One of the things on my bucket list this year is to buy new clothes for my husband and myself. That’s because Vince and I buy clothes just for the kids. I’m sure my mama readers know this! We always buy the kids’ things first and if there’s any budget left, then we shop for ourselves, right? 

Thing is, for the past so many years, even when there’s shopping money, Vince and I would rather buy experiences—we’d buy books and games, watch movies, try out a new restaurant, go on staycations—than buy clothes for us. After all, we stay the same size anyway (well, aside from the three times I was pregnant!) so there’s no urgent need to get a new wardrobe.

So I’m going to share with you a few tips on how I keep our clothes looking new! 

1. Wash clothes inside out.
It’s an extra step, I know, but I really believe that when the outside of the clothes are protected from the friction caused by washing, the clothes last longer. Buttons, embroidery, patches, designs. The only pieces I don’t do this to are jeans because jeans are supposed to fade.

2. Don’t use hot water.
My fantabulous Electrolux front-loading washing machine is my favorite appliance. It has so many functions that I can access through its computerized panel. So sophisticated! I noticed that its washing modes always use hot water. Hot water expands color molecules, resulting to fading of colors faster. So when I wash our colored clothes, I always adjust the wash modes to cold wash. The only time I don’t do this is with the whites.

3. Use a good laundry detergent.
I use Ariel, which really gets into those stains. That means I don’t have to use bleach on colored clothes and scrub at stubborn stains (scrubbing damages the material).  

But I make babad whites in bleach. It not only whitens whites but also kills germs in your washing machine.

4. Use fabric conditioner.
I’ve always used Downy Anti-Bac. That’s the anti-bacterial variant. Because it kills odor-causing bacteria, the clothes smell fresh longer and we can wear them for more than a day. I know that sounds gross but my husband and I work from home, with the A/C on all day, too, so we hardly ever sweat! And, of course, I also believe in how fabric conditioner protects threads and strands from fraying and elastics from stretching too much. I also read somewhere that Downy specifically has Color Protection Technology, so colors won't fade even after lots of washes. And I know it works because a lot of our clothes are at least 5 years old and they don't look faded and worn at all.  

5. Dry in a windy—not sunny—area. 
I grew up being told that freshly laundered clothes need to hang on a clothesline under the sun. This is how you kill germs, I was told. But I also know from my science classes that nothing is worse on color than the sun! The sun bleaches colors away! So, since I live in a condo with a big utility area, I always hang our clothes with the whites near the windows (whites are good with being sun-bleached!) and the colored clothes at the back. Thankfully, the big windows let in a lot of wind so the clothes dry real quick. Plus, fabric conditioner makes clothes dry faster so there’s no “kulob” smell even now when it’s the rainy season. As for killing germs, well, it helps that the Downy variant I use is already an anti-bacterial! 

Let me show you my favorite black dress, which I've had for almost a decade now. The black is still very black and the fit is still amazing—it hasn't loosened and neither has it gone threadbare. Alagang-alaga! 
Pregnant in 2009
Dress still looks good years after!

So those are my simple steps to keeping our clothes looking like new! Do you do the same things, mamas? Thanks and happy weekend!

UPDATE! Hi to all the mommies who are dropping by to read this particular blog post! Thanks for making it my most popular one. I didn't realize malakas pala ang labada topic. Sige, I will write about my labada tips more =D Thanks again for reading!