Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Looking back, moving forward

If I were the glass-half-empty kinda person (and to be very honest, I actually am), I'd look back at 2012 and think, "What a bad year." I had a delicate pregnancy, I had hired a bad woman to take care of Vito, I had a hard time juggling work and motherhood, and OK! magazine got killed off.

But 2012 was actually pretty fantastic. Incredible! My pregnancy got better, I dismissed the bad maid and learned such good lessons from that experience that the yayas I have now are beyond great, God sent ladies of faith to me who are now my prayer partners and friends, my second life dream—to be a newspaper columnist—came true, Vito continued to grow more amazing, and sweet darling cutie pie Iñigo was born.

My life is full. Too full, in fact. So for 2013, I'm decluttering, discarding, simplifying. And that will apply to all—stuff, processes, relationships.

Simplifying doesn't mean living on one pair of shoes. But it certainly means 30 pairs is a lot, especially if I use just 3 pairs! Same applies to my bags and clothes. I've started unloading stuff actually. Gave away around 50 dresses and a few shoes to my sister and niece. They looked great in my clothes! The rest I donated to charity. Already I feel lighter and better!

Simplifying doesn't mean it's the easier way, though. For example, I order a lot of fast food because for a busy mom like me, it's the easier option to actually cooking food. But homecooked food is healthier and cheaper and better for me and my family. So that's what I aim to do!

Simplifying means giving more time to the people and things that matter most. Something I should remember this year since job offers are coming at me left and right. I'm grateful, of course, but I wanted to spend more time with my kids! So I should carefully choose what I'll work on and to keep in mind that I wanted a life devoted to my young sons. It's really helped me make good decisions, by the way!

Simplifying also means cutting off complicated and negative people from my life. That includes Facebook. I won't say anymore but if you're on Facebook, I'm sure you understand the stress! I'm just going to quietly block, unfriend and hide.

So that's my goal this year! I feel better about 2013 already! What is it about this year that makes me so happy? Oh, I know—my husband, my kids, my friends, our good health! They're all I really need. Simple!

*image from


  1. Wow! We have exactly the same theme for 2013 :P although instead of saying it so nicely - "simplify", i just simply said: this year, i'll clean everything. haha. hoping for a fun and healthy 2013 for you and your family :)

    1. Ya, I have to mega clean the house! I already started! Happiness and health to you and your family, too!

  2. I'm with you! Simplifying has been something I have been trying to do since last year but this year I really want focus on it more. If you think about it, just like you last sentence here, it takes very little to make oneself happy :) Here's to focusing on what is most important and what truly makes us happy in 2013!! All the best to you and your family in the new year (I think your hubs was my batchmate in university)! :)

    1. Yes, simple life is the happiest life =D

      All the best to your family too!

  3. yes, i need to learn how to simplify things but not necessarily depriving myself too :-) i'm getting married this May 2013 and i got the MSM as our quartet :-):-)

    1. Oh that's great! They played at my wedding, too =) Congratulations and best wishes!!!

    2. i read about them here in your blog, kaya i search for their youtube uploads :-)


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