Showing posts with label Books & Magazines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books & Magazines. Show all posts

Thursday, September 27, 2018

7 lessons for working mamas from "An Open Book: Thursdays with Nanay Coring"

I just finished this lovely little book, An Open Book: Thursdays with Nanay Coring. It's a short biography of National Book Store founder, Socorro Ramos. And when I said it's a little book, I meant it's a short and fast read, written in simple language that both kids and grown-ups will appreciate.

I think if you're a mom looking for books to inspire your kids, this is a good pick. If you're a working mom looking for inspiration, then this is definitely something that can encourage you. I read it in an hour and I found myself highlighting passages and writing my thoughts on the margins—Yes, I write on my books. For me, when I do that, that's always a sign it's a good book!

Every chapter in this book tells the story of Mrs Ramos, lovingly called Nanay Coring—from her impoverished childhood, her whirlwind and enduring romance with her husband, and how she lived through the great war to how she built her business again and again and still remains to this day the massive force behind the country's biggest book store and stationery supplies chain.

Each title of the 14 chapters highlights what the Ramos matriarch wants us to learn from her life. Here are Nanay Coring's advice and life lessons:

1. Live simply.
2. Never surrender Corregidor. (You'll have to read the book to understand this advice.)
3. Remain humble.
4. Knowledge is power.
5. The more time you spend at the store, the more you know.
6. If you work hard, nothing is impossible.
7. Always be on time, if not early.
8. Never show signs of weakness.
9. Be known as a good person, not a rich person.
10. It takes time to build something.
11. Happiness is helping people.
12. Rely on your own gut feel.
13. Always pray.
14. Read more. Know more. Earn more.

Aside from those life lessons, I picked up 7 other tips from Nanay Coring. Here they are:

1. Remember what's important.
Nanay Coring was from her father's second family. She lived through the war. She saw her business fail several times. So even when she became massively successful, her values remained the same: Don't forget where you came from, and take care of your family. That's it.

Throughout the book, she constantly reminds her children and the reader to work hard but to not forget your husband and children. Eat meals with your family. Talk with your family. Go out and spend time with them. Being busy with work, Nanay Coring and her husband Jose only had Sundays free. So they used that time to reconnect with each other and their kids by going to church, eating lugaw and siopao at Ongpin, snacking on fruits, candy and tsampoy.

Unlike what we working mamas are told, it doesn't really take a lot of time or money to make an impact on our kids. We don't have to be with them 24/7, we don't have to be their sole caregiver, we don't have to take them on out-of-town trips every weekend, we don't have to give them "the best" a.k.a. expensive shit. I see this so often these days! Moms who over-schedule their kids or spend every single minute with them, or demand their husbands to jet off the whole family somewhere exotic every weekend or so "to make memories." How exhausting. How frantic. How mom-guilty.

Relax! Remember what's important! They need us to love them. That is all. We don't have to prove it so much. We just need to eat a meal with them every day, give them hugs and kisses, and make simple memories. My husband was lucky enough to come from a well-off family, but it's their dinner-time stories he tells me often about, or how their garden overlooked their school and their mom waited there, or their trips to the grocery. I hardly ever hear about their annual shopping jaunts to Hong Kong, even though as a girl from a poor family, that was what impressed me most. So keep it simple.

2. Don't call for trouble.
See my note there? Haha. How indeed! Also, since I'm very confrontational, I'm noisy and argumentative. In the time of social media, how do you keep quiet about your food, your trips, your shopping, your kids, your career, your political views???

So my takeaway here is don't ask for trouble unless you're ready for it.

3. Have integrity in everything you do. 
This isn't easy. Sometimes we really mean we'll do the job, attend the meeting, be at the event, pay the bills. But life happens. Traffic happens. The kids happen. But it should be our guiding principle in work, in parenting, in marriage, in politics, in EVERYTHING. Have integrity. Be true to who you are and what you value. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

4. Give people what they need.
Many moms ask me what business can they start so they can work from home. Many mompreneurs I know started their business because they needed something no one was providing or a product no one was selling, and they decided to just fill that space. I like how Nanay Coring also figured out that people sometimes don't know what they need and you have to tell them. Create your customers!

I love that advice because sometimes I have a great idea and then I think, "Maybe I'm the only one who needs this." But Nanay Coring is proof that marketing can be as simple as telling people, "This is my need, and this solved it. Do you want to try it out, too?"

5. Care for people.
Smile. Be considerate. Be thoughtful. Open doors for clients and assistants. Give your customers and messengers a cool drink. Say thanks.

6. Be proud of your work.
Whenever I feel guilty about being away from my kids, I tell myself to shut up. As a work-at-home mom, I'm not even away from them often. Once a week maybe, for 4-6 hours. That's not a lot so I shouldn't feel guilty for the time spent away from them, especially since that time was used for one or both of these reasons: (1) I earned money, (2) I refreshed my mind and spirit doing something I'm good at.

Many times in the past, when my kids see me tired from meeting a deadline, they say, "Mama, I'm going to work one day so you won't have to." And I always say, "That's nice, but I like my work. I like using my brain. I like making my own money. I like work a lot!" So now my kids don't equate work with bad things. They see that it's not easy but it's something I'm proud of, that provides for our needs, and that makes our comfortable life possible.

Except for when I worked at the Senate, I'm always proud of what I do, even when people sneered at it. And when you're a blogger like me, people are always sneering at you. It's so funny that when I tell people I'm also an editor and a beauty writer, they kinda relax into a strange relief: "Oh, you have a real job." Then when they find out my blog still makes more money than any other "real job" I hold, they protest again.

I refuse to be ashamed of my blogging. It puts food in my children's tummies, it's not corrupt, it's not stealing. So as long as you have a job that helps people and your family—whether you're a janitress or a CEO, be proud of it! Your children are proud of you! 

7. Do what you're best at.
Throughout the book, author Cecilia Ramos Licauco who is also Nanay Coring's only daughter, says that her mother wanted to be other things. Nanay Coring wanted to be a doctor. She also wanted to be a singer. Instead she became an entrepreneur and succeeded in it so massively.

The lesson I got there is we all have dreams and sometimes we can pour our whole lives into making those dreams come true, and sometimes we can allow life to tell us where to go. As a young girl, I was determined to make my dreams of becoming a magazine editor-in-chief come true. And it did! But as a mother, the latter is what's true for me. I had a job with crazy hours that demanded I wear stylish clothes and sky-high heels, I had babies who only wanted to breastfeed, and yayas who kept resigning. I couldn't juggle my dream job and my kids! So I let life take over. I became a stay-at-home mommy, I blogged about my boring/crazy mom life in the most raw and honest ways, which people seemed to like a lot. Blogging was so successful that—tada!—I registered it as a business.

I never dreamed of becoming a mom and a blogger, but those are what I am now. And guess what—these roles fulfill me more (and blogging pays more, too) than anything I've ever done before. So maybe when we as moms feel life is passing us by and our dreams aren't coming true, maybe it's time to look at our life, dream new dreams, and see how we can make this mom life work for us instead.

If you want to get a copy of An Open Book: Thursdays with Nanay Coring, it's available at all National Book Store branches. You can't miss it. It's always by the cashier! You can also leave a comment on this post and first one gets my copy! When I'm done with a book, I sometimes give it away. I wrote on this one, though, so if that doesn't bother you, then it's yours!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Checking in!

Hallooo halloooo! I know I've been away. Now that my kids are older and the first two boys are in big school and the youngest has weaned and can mostly be left to his own devices, I have found the most incredible and most wonderful amazing thing: I CAN READ BOOKS AGAIN!

I'm so happy!

That means I've neglected the blog, though. I've tried being more active on the Topaz Horizon Blog Facebook page and thanks so much for making it a fun community. I love how we can all chat together on Facebook.

So anyway! I didn't notice it but it seems I've really been enjoying the past year. Without me realizing it, I finally found time last year to shower for more than 5 minutes, to eat without rushing, to pee without the door open, to poop without panicking. I now have time to do my skin care morning and night (a huge reason for my improved skin condition, if I may say so myself!). I can even exercise a little! And in the last few months, I found that I even now have time to read! I read four of the Dark Tower novels in a month and I'm finishing the fifth—the conclusion of Stephen King's magnum opus! —this week. I am having a lovely time just drowning in words. It's been such a lovely reunion!

These are Books 3-7. Been in bed with my books! So happy!
Let me share some of my favorite quotes:

"Dead was the gift that kept on giving. Dead, like diamonds, was forever."

"In the Land of Memory, the time is always now."

"She understands how being afraid all the time makes one's friends more precious; how it makes every bite of every meal sweet; how it stretches time until every day seems to last forever, leading on to velvet night..."

"'If'... [is] the only word a thousand letters long."

"Head clear. Mouth shut. See much. Say little."

"Never whisper for the wind unless you want it to blow."

There's more. So much more! As you can see from the quotes above, the Dark Tower novels are not happy stories. I am grieving now actually and I haven't even finished it. So much death and horror! So much love and duty, too.

I was actually planning on NOT blogging this month. What time I find after family, work, and the chores, I want to spend with my nose in a novel. But I had promised myself to blog every Monday and Thursday so I have blog posts my Loyal Readers can comment on because I have my Commenter of the Month giveaway. Must not neglect that!

Speaking of skin care, I also just took photos of new skin care products you might like to try out this year (maybe I should give one of the sets away to my February Commenter of the Month!). I'm also finally finishing my birthday post—yes, my birthday was 2 months ago hehe but I haven't finished the post yet. Too many things to be thankful for! I also want to share with you my thoughts on the #MeToo movement and how we, as mothers, should be propelled by it to make sure we raise girls and boys who will be respectful of each other, not abusive. Things like that!

Anyway. I know there are tons of amazing, entertaining and gorgeous mommy blogs out there. So happy to see so many moms are sharing about their lives. (I'll tell you my favorite ones soon! Would you like that?) I just wanted to say that even though there are many other better mom blogs, you still stick around and that moves me. Thank you!

Okay, I'll come back tomorrow with a guest post on weddings. Because it's Valentine's Day and we should have a post about love! Meanwhile, I hope you all have a great day and a wonderful week doing what you love, whether it's watching your favorite Netflix show or reading your beloved books.

Monday, December 14, 2015

My no-fail gift suggestions: books and stationery

As the Market Editor of BABY Magazine, I get to shop for a living. Well, window shop since I really don't buy anything, just borrow them for the magazine when I do photo shoots. Now, many of my blog readers know I dislike the physical activity of shopping (I like shopping online!) so while I enjoy my job, the window shopping part is my least favorite part. It's a good thing I only do that once every two months!

Anyway, I will confess that there's one part of the window shopping aspect that I really really really enjoy—when I visit the bookstores for books and other paper items. I always look forward to that! At my recent jaunt to National Book Store to pick books for the January-February issue of BABY Magazine (I looked for books that will inspire change), I found other fabulous things that I would love to find under my Christmas tree!

I already have the Kate Spade planners (I have three! Here's my review!) but I would love to get those gold paper clips!

I really don't have time for journalling but I want to believe these journals (Q&A A Day For Moms: A 5-Year Journal, and Do One Thing Every Day That Inspires You: A Creativity Journal by Robbie Rogge and Dian G. Smith) which require just short entries every day, won't be too time-consuming.

Those are my three-year-old son's hands, by the way!

I want All in Good Taste by Kate Spade and Love Style Life by Garance Doré! I snuck a peek at Love Style Life and it is a good read on personal style!

Oh these beautifully bound hardbound book collections!

I've not read Game of Thrones because I started on the HBO show first and my husband, who's read the books, fills me in anyway. But if they look this gorgeous, maybe I will read it!

I'd love all three of these books for my boys! I hate it that the children's section of bookstores these days are overrun by franchises. Disney. Pixar. Marvel. DC. Disney Junior. Nickelodeon. Cartoon Network. It's all Frozen, Batman, Avengers, Sofia the First, Toy Story, etc etc on the shelves! That's okay, okay? But where are the classics??? The myths, the poems, the bedtime stories, the fables, the fairy tales? I'm so happy I saw these at National Book Store!

There's more books and stationery to love at National Book Store! I've always believed that the bookstore is the one-stop shop for gifts. So shop shop shop!

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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Gift idea from Fully Booked: Coloring books for grownups! (Plus, a giveaway!)


Unless you've been hiding under a rock for the past year, you'd know that adult coloring books are a big thing now. Huge. Like, my Facebook feed is full of people showing off their coloring pages. 

I'm obsessed with the Japanese patterns book!

So I hitched a ride on the adult coloring books bandwagon and, well, it's been fun. I wouldn't say I was relaxed by it, which is the main reason why this trend exploded—it's supposed to relieve us grown-ups from stress as it is a calming activity. I tried it but I think it's an activity meant to be done when you're all alone. Or when you're with fellow grownups. No kids bumping your elbow and thus messing up your work. No kids yelling at you to "Use this purple pencil on that fish, Mama!" No kids trying to destroy your house and so you get up in a rush to rescue the TV and then when you come back to your coloring activity, you find that the baby has picked up an angry orange marker and slashed away at your meticulously colored page. 

Yes, it's definitely an activity with no kids involved!

Still, I've been able to do a few pages and I did enjoy it. See here:
Used my favorite colors—orange and pink—and then used gold and silver, too.
My son Vito helped me color these "rainbow umbrellas." That's what he calls them. 
I'm still doing the sky page while Vito does the hills page. That's what he calls them, too!

I have a few more coloring books that I got from Fully Booked. Lemme share them with you so you can see what fun they are!

Fully Booked has a lot of adult coloring books that will suit various personalities. Check these out and see which one fits yours:
For the animal lover.
For the fan of all things pretty.
For the woman who is intentional in everything she does.
For people who like repetition and symmetry.

I'm the last type. I like patterns. For me, patterns are soothing. My mommy life is chaotic enough already so the repetition and predictability of patterns calm me. 

If you'd also like to join the adult coloring book craze, Fully Booked has great news for you! They have a promo right now called "My Colorful Christmas Raffle." Fifty (yes, that's 50!) lucky shoppers will win colorful prizes this holiday season! Here's how:
  • The promo runs from November 15 to December 15 at all Fully Booked Metro Manila branches. Participating branches include: Fully Booked Bonifacio High Street, Fully Booked Alabang Town Center, Fully Booked Rockwell, Fully Booked Katipunan, Fully Booked SM Mall of Asia, Fully Booked SM Megamall, Fully Booked SM North EDSA, Fully Booked Trinoma, Fully Booked Greenhills, Fully Booked Greenbelt 5, Fully Booked Century City Mall, Fully Booked Eastwood Mall, Fully Booked Taft and Fully Booked Glorietta 3. 
  • Every P300 purchase on adult coloring books entitles the shopper one (1) raffle entry to join the My Colorful Christmas promo. Only single-receipt purchases are qualified to claim raffle entries. Receipts used for claiming raffle entries will be stamped in the back and any excess amount in the receipt will be considered void and cannot be used in the next redemption. 
  • Just show your original receipt/s to the Fully Booked Customer Service counter to verify the purchase and fill up the raffle entry/s. Drop completed entries in the designated My Colorful Christmas raffle drop box at the branch you’re in. Keep your raffle stubs safe as you’ll need this for claiming prizes. 
  • Fifty (50) winners will be drawn on Monday, December 21. Winners will be notified by registered email and other contact information provided in the entry. 
  • Prizes include a 10-piece coloring book set, coloring materials, Fully Booked gift certificates, and a 2016 Planner. 

So easy! Just buy coloring books worth at least P300, get a raffle ticket, and hope you win the fun prizes! 

But wait! Fully Booked sent me extra coloring books to give away to MY Loyal Readers! This is what I'm giving away:

It's so pretty! And you can win this book! All you have to do is leave a comment below completing this sentence: 

"My favorite color is __________ because __________."

That is all!!! I'll publish all the answers when contest ends so that no one copies or gets discouraged by the other answers, okay?

I'll pick five (5) of the best answers (my criteria—can be made me laugh, made me cry, made me think) on December 4! Then I'll announce the winners on my Facebook page. So I hope you like my Topaz Horizon page because you won't know you won unless you're a fan! Have fun! Good luck! Live colorfully!


1. Mary Louise Sanchez
2. Michelle Namilit
3. Ma. Cristina Marchan
4. Rhen E.
5. Lory Alba

Please send me a message on my Toapz Horizon Facebook page to claim your prize.

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Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Avon Body Illusions gets StyLIZed (plus a giveaway!)

Avon sent me some samples of their shapewear line called Body Illusions. I got leggings and a slimming tank, both of which I really like. I've been using Avon girdles since 2010 so I can attest to their quality and efficacy. Avon Body Illusions is comfy and lightweight, and yet because it's made of stretch nylon and spandex, your bulges get reined in. They have a Control Skirt, a Waist Cincher, an Underbra Top, Seamless Slimming Tank, Boyleg Shorts, High Waist Boyleg Shorts, High Waist Control Brief, Knee Length Shaper, Crop Leggings, Support Dress, and the amazing Swimsuit Dress. Do try Avon Body Illusions! Just call your Avon lady to order. My Avon lady is my old yaya.

Anyway! Top celebrity stylist Liz Uy has collaborated with Avon Body Illusions because Liz knows that one of the best secrets to looking stylish is a smooth silhouette. Whether you're curvy or skinny, if anything bulges out or looks droopy, no outfit is going to look good.

For more of Liz's style secrets, Avon sent me her book, StyLIZed, which I already have so I'm giving it away!!! I'll send na rin a Body Illusions product kasi ganyan ako ka-generous!

Just so you know, hindi ito sponsored post ng Avon or ni Liz. Hindi kami friends ni Liz, although we used to work together in Summit Media and I told her, "Why are you dating that guy??? Hindi kayo bagay!!!" I was referring to John Lloyd whose charms are so lost on me. Hindi ko talaga gets. Baka kaya hindi kami friends ni Liz dahil dun hahaha!

Anyway!!! How to win? Just leave a comment below with answers to these:
  1. Why do you want to win StyLIZed? (If your answer is "So I can join the #TopazReads book club!", you get extra points!
  2. What's the problem area in your body? Mine is my tummy. Sigh!
  3. What's your size? 
  4. How can I contact you? NO EMAIL ADDRESSES! No phone numbers, too. Just leave your Facebook account name or your Twitter/Instagram handle.

Okay. Contest will only be for one hour. YES! Contest ends at 12 midnight. Kasi kailangan ko na ipadala agad yung book at yung mystery Avon Body Illusions product sa winner sa lalong madaling panahon upang may panahon siya magbasa at nang makasali siya nang maayos sa book club discussion on March 16!

Good luck! Mwah!


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Monday, February 16, 2015

Review: "#GirlBoss" by Sophia Amoruso

I seriously thought I wouldn't make it in time for our first ever #TopazReads book club meet because I was sick and then my whole family (husband and three babies!) got sick. I just didn't have the time or the energy to read Sophia Amoruso's bestselling book, #GIRLBOSS. Not to say it was a difficult read. It's actually a really easy, fast read. I just had a tough past few weeks, but I finally finished the book!

Sophia is the young woman who founded the e-commerce site Nasty Gal and built it in a few short years to a fashion empire worth millions of dollars. She wrote #GirlBoss to talk about that fantastic story and to inspire other #GirlBosses and would-be #GirlBosses. I picked up the book because I liked the cover. I'm not a dainty girl, I have a dirty mouth, and I like to stand with my hands on my hips. Sophia looked like a woman I'd get along with and I wanted to know her story. Thanks to my sister-in-law, Anj, who gave me this book for Christmas, I did!

Okay, my thoughts: #GirlBoss feels like a blog. The good thing about that is it's friendly and easy to read. The bad thing about that is the "Yey for girl power!" voice robs Sophia of authority. She grew Nasty Gal in her 20s (she's just 30 years old now) so she sounds very young and very excited. But her voice lacked gravitas. I hate to say that because this is a woman who is a massive success. You can't argue with that fact!

I guess my problem with #GirlBoss is it didn't know what it was supposed to be: an autobiography or a business book. It was both but it was too conversational to be business and too business-like to be a memoir. For example, the book rambles on and on about how she couldn't keep a job and how she never had enough money and then POW! She's making $150,000 a day!

Despite that feeling, I did enjoy the book mostly because she sounded a lot like me when I was in my 20s. Some quips I liked:
On how her eBay account became huge: "I also responded to every single comment that anyone left on my page. It just seemed like the polite thing to do. Many companies were spending millions of dollars trying to nail social media, but I just went with my instincts and treated my customers like they were my friends." p. 29
This is how I grew my blogs, too! Well, I didn't respond to EVERY comment (maybe I should!) but many of my friends now are people I met because of my blogs, simply because I had conversations with them. Then they linked me, shared my posts, blogged about me. That's how you succeed in anything really—build good relationships!

On shitty jobs: " I approached them with a sense of tourism and experimentation... I was just going to see where things went. When you approach everything as if it's a big, fun experiment, then it's not that big a deal if things don't work out." p. 65
Totally agree with this. Us Pinoys kasi are poor so our parents hammer into our brains, "What will you do for the rest of your life? Get a job that you will hold for at least 20 years. Marry a suitable person by 25. Have kids. Be happy." So committed!!! You all know I took my time! And while I loved my magazine job, I've realized now that it's just a job and if a job ends, it's not the end of my life. It was fun, blogging is fun, freelance writing is fun, but, hey, if it doesn't work out, then no tears, no fears! (I can't say this about marriage and motherhood, though. You have to make it work!)

On saving: "When your time spent making money is significantly greater than your time spent spending money, you will be amazed at how much you can save without even really thinking about it." p. 109
So true. I earn a lot less now than when I was employed but I have more savings now because I'm too busy being a mother and any spare time I get, I spend on work!

On spending: "You can't act like you've arrived when you're only receiving the invitation." p. 110
Translation: Don't buy anything you can't afford.

On keeping out negativity (especially nega people) out of your life: "When you think about people, you give them power." p. 126
Again, so true! I spent a lot of time hating people when I was younger. I may not care what they thought of me but I did wish them dead. All that hate and anger just made me ugly and unpleasant! Meanwhile, these people I hated, their lives flourished! When I decided to forgive and focus on the good, my life changed. Don't let the people who hate you, have hurt you, or the people you envy stay in your mind and your heart. Their presence will grow and grow till you can't function anymore! Kick them out!

On challenges: "Dive headfirst into things without being too attached to the results. When your goal is to gain experience, perspective, and knowledge, failure is no longer a possibility." p. 138
It's good to have goals, of course. But very specific goals (like, "I'll be head of the department at 25, own my house by 26, married at 27, have kids at 28, and retire at 30!") tend to become a to-do list. You focus too much on ticking things off the list that you forget to slow down, savor the climb to success, build friendships, take a look at the people around you. I did that ("I'll be EIC of a magazine at 32!" I became one at 30.), ticked off boxes, and failed to spend time with my mother. She's dead now so that's one regret I'll always have.

Okaaaaay, there's a lot more quotes by Sophia that I liked, but I also want to share this quote from one of the other #GirlBosses that Sophia featured in her book:
Alexi Wasser of "I found that by sharing my personal experiences, like through my blog, we're not alone—that the most shameful, personal, specific things you're going through are actually universal. You can laugh about it. I want to make a contribution that matters, and I want to be as vulnerable and raw as possible so other people feel less alone."
That's how blogging is for me!

So! Did anyone else read #GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso? If yes, kindly leave your thoughts on the book in the comments section below. At 11 p.m. tonight, I'll be online for 30 minutes to respond to every comment and if you're also online, we can actually have a conversation! Do come chat with me tonight!

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Thursday, February 05, 2015

Topaz Reads: Discussing #GirlBoss on Feb 16!

When I suggested a book club over at my Facebook page and Instagram, I got enthusiastic support from a few readers. Like, maybe three readers haha but that's okay! I figured it's easier to discuss a book with a few people than say a hundred, right, so here it is! I'm officially announcing the first ever book for the #TopazReads book club: #GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso.

I'm in the middle of it now and I won't spoil my review but I will tell you a bit about the book.

#GirlBoss is the autobiography of Sophia Amoruso, so, yeah, it's a non-fiction book. Sophia is the CEO of Nasty Gal, a multi-million dollar clothing company that started on eBay selling stolen goods. Wait. What? Yes, she was a thief and that's why I wanted to read it—I wanted to know how someone who used to be a crook reformed herself and got rewarded by millions of dollars! I like that the straight-and-narrow road has financial rewards.

The book came out last year and enjoyed success because—and this is my opinion—there were books like Lean In and celebrities like Emma Watson and social media movements like #YesAllWomen. I am all for feminism and raising awareness on women empowerment so I was happy to choose a book that puts "girl" and "boss" in its title. I just hope it's a good book!

So anyway! That's all I'll say now. The book review will be published here on Feb. 16, Monday. Then I'll be online at 11 PM to chat with you live. Well, if any of you are still awake at that time! Sorry, readers, I'm a mama and I can only work late at night! My guess is no one will chat with me haha.

To participate in the live chat, just visit on Feb. 16, Monday, read my review, then leave your questions/reactions/agreements/disagreements on the comments section. At 11pm (+8 GMT), I will go live and reply to every comment that I publish. If you're online at the same time, we can have a real chat! The chat will last just 30 minutes because it's already rather late in the night, but I think it will be fun!

So please pencil the date in your calendars and see you back here on Monday, Feb. 16, for the very first #TopazReads edition!

#GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso is available at Fully Booked.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Gift idea (for me!): Kate Spade's Places To Go, People To See

I love Kate Spade. I want to be Kate Spade. I like her design aesthetic. I like her clever little clutches. I like her classic but sweet bag designs. I love the line and patterns of her dresses. I love her books. Like I said, I love Kate Spade. I want to be Kate Spade!

So I've been wanting her latest book since I saw it on her website:

Places to Go, People to See. For anyone who loves to travel and dreams of travel. I actually don't like traveling haha. I like my nice, comfy, cozy, pretty little home so much, it takes a LOT to get me out the door. But that's why I love books. I feel like I'm traveling the world anyway!

In Kate Spade's charming book, gorgeous photos fill every page. Remember when glamour ruled travel? No? Then you're young haha. Joking aside, I think this book captures that old-world glamour, the breathtaking anticipation, the captivating sights, the unforgettable experiences of traveling to destinations like Paris, New York City, the Amalfi Coast, Marrakech, Tokyo, and St. Moritz. 
Unlike our mystery tourist, I always travel light.

My weekends now always start on Thursdays, dahlin'!

Must get this book! Or maybe you can stuff it in my stocking!

You can buy Kate Spade's Places To Go, People To See from any of the boutiques located at The Power Plant Mall, Greenbelt 3, Rustan’s Makati, Newport Mall, Shangri-La Plaza Mall and Bonifacio High Street Central Square. It will be available starting December. Buy it for me! I'll wait for it!

*photos courtesy of kate spade new york

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Friday, May 16, 2014

I wrote the cover story for this month's HOLA!

I want to plug this only because someone asked me recently, "So you don't do any work now at all?"

She looked really disappointed in me, too. Heehee. So I said, "Yeah. I don't do any work at all. I'm living the donya life!"

That is kinda true. I don't see my blogs as work. The writing I do for my blogs' partners is just so easy, I can't believe it sometimes. It's like being paid to eat candy! I'm grateful this is my life. I can be with my husband and kids full time and not be afraid of the future. But once in a while, I say yes to real writing jobs and this one is my favorite. Why? Because I love Duchess Kate!

For more on Kate, other chi-chi mommies, and the luxe lifestyle, grab this month's issue of HOLA! magazine!

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Thursday, February 27, 2014

What "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green made me think about

My novel for February is John Green's The Fault in Our Stars.

I only wanted to read it because the movie's coming out and I only wanted to watch the movie because of the guy playing the romantic lead. I first saw Ansel Elgort in the remake of Carrie, and though it had Julianne Moore and Chlöe Grace Moretz in it, it was Ansel who caught my eye. That kid can act!

So since I wanted to watch the movie, I had to first read the book. I read it just before Valentine's Day so I was feeling very loved up. The book, very easy to read (in fact, you can finish it in a few hours), is not intimidating at all. Intimidating? Yep. It's about teenagers dying of cancer, a story not everyone finds thrilling. But read it read it read it!

The story begins with a girl and a boy meeting at a cancer support group. Hazel Grace Lancaster has thyroid cancer and Augustus Waters has bone cancer. She didn't set out to fall in love. She just wanted to live the rest of her life in peace, not wanting to form any relationships because that means more people will get hurt by her eventual death. But Augustus broke down her walls with this:

OMG. I can't even go on talking about the book! You'll just have to read it yourself! It's so funny and so sad. I cried so much, my son Vito was alarmed. He said, "Why cry, Mama?" And I said, "This book is sad. People are dying." And he said, "Not good book."

Oh, but it is. It is!

I think I'm going to tell you another story. On the day I started reading this book, my friend said that her son asked her, "If God knew that man would sin against Him, why did He still make man?" And she said she didn't know what to answer really, but I was very quick. "Love!"

Love is the only reason. When I was a kid, I didn't understand why people got married and had kids. All the married people I know and all the parents I know were miserable and always complaining about their spouses and their kids. Seriously. If marriage and kids made everyone so unhappy, why did everyone insist on getting married and having kids?

Then I met this woman at a salon. She was having her hair done for her 10th wedding anniversary party that night. She told me that in all their 10 years married, maybe they were only really happy for just two years. I was flabbergasted. "What's to celebrate then?!" And she said, "Even if we were only happy for a day, I'd marry him all over again."

Now that I'm married myself, I understand. Not every day is a happy day. Vince and I fight. We get annoyed at each other. We get fed up, exasperated. We say hurtful things. Marriage is not easy, and mine is no exception. But when I think about Vince and me, all I really see is the laughter, the passion, the long whispered talks in the dark of night, the shared looks, the quiet way he slowly slips his hand into mine, our secret words. And if I believed before that my life was horrible, I now don't because all my life was leading up to what Vince and I have. If all the terrible-ness of before meant I could have that one day when Vince kissed me or that day when he said, "You really are special," or that day he married me, then all the terrible-ness was worth it.

Life is even more spectacular now with our kids, Vito and Iñigo. Sure there are days I want to scratch my eyes out because it gets really difficult. Sure there are days I just want to curl up in bed and sleep till the kids are leaving for college. Parenting is not easy. Not at all. But all the clichés are real. I really do live for their smile, I really can stare at them all day, I really do feel my heart will explode from the love. And if the exhaustion and stress and helplessness mean that I was with my kids, then it's okay. Because, really, my life is all about loving my boys.

So I know that when God created man, He didn't even hesitate because He saw in His omniscient and sovereign way that the love and goodness and wonder of man will still overcome our evil. He still created us because He loved us (I John 4:19). And that's all the reason He needs.

All that I thought of when I read The Fault in Our Stars! I just came away from the book celebrating life and love, that no matter how short our life is, love is truly eternal. Don't worry, it's not a theological book. It's not even a book about tragedy. It's just a lovely little book about love and loss and, ultimately, about life. Go read it now!

*quotes images from 8tracks and Rebloggy

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Friday, January 31, 2014

Book review: A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

I know I've not been blogging, either here or on Topaz Mommy. Sorry, dear readers! That's because I've been reading fiction again. I haven't read fiction since... I don't remember! Before the kids came along, my nose was always buried in a book. Always always always. Reading was still possible with my first son but when the second one came along, it's become near impossible to put books before boys!

Then I read this article right before New Year's Eve: Brain function boosted for days after reading a novel. And my first thought was, "So that's why I'm becoming stupid! I don't read anymore!" Take note that the improvement in brain function came with reading novels, not non-fiction, not self-help, not news articles, not magazines, not blogs (hehe so, sorry, my blogs aren't helping you guys at all!). So for 2014, I resolved to read novels again. One novel a month. My first novel for the year is A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. It's the first book of her All Souls Trilogy.

I have had this book for a year now but the first few chapters are so slow that I kept giving up on it. The only reason I took it up again was because I remembered the reason I bought it: It was praised by critics. Plus, my friends loved it. So, dubious though I was, I plunged into it again. As with previous attempts, I fell asleep after a few pages haha! The heroine, a witch named Diana Bishop, is a scholar, you see, so a great chunk of the first act of the book is spent in—wait for it—a library. Now, I love libraries. Spent a lot of time in them when I was growing up actually. So I know that not much action happens in libraries. Well, except that in this library, Diana meets a vampire and all hell breaks lose... a hundred or so pages after!

I'm glad I plodded through those early chapters. Once the action starts (falling in love, dangers posed to the couple, traveling around the world, etc!), the pace picks up and I had a difficult time putting down the book.
Took me three weeks to finish this! I usually don't take that long to read one book!

1. I love how Diana and Matthew fell in love. It's in the space of a few weeks and I had no trouble falling in love with their love. It was completely believable to me, mostly because their love started with their lengthy conversations over tea and wine, talking about science, history, yoga, wine, architecture—all of their interests. They connected with their minds first. That's the best way to fall in love!

2. I like the intelligence of the book. I don't know if I mentioned this anywhere on this blog but I love history. Everyone thinks English was my favorite subject in school. It's actually History, and that was what I wanted to take in college. So anyway, I love how historical figures are woven into the stories of vampires and witches. It totally makes sense that magical creatures would occupy important positions in society.

1. The pace. Did I mention it was sooooo sloooow at the start? Yes, I think I did. It's the fault of all those aforementioned lengthy conversations over tea. So, while I dislike the pace, I see its necessity.

2. I am so over the story featuring a clumsy, not gorgeous girl meeting a spectacularly good-looking, powerful, rich man. He brings out all her insecurities because he's just so darn perfect, and confuses the girl because he's so hot for her simple, boring self. Then when they finally fall in love, we see the guy has a vulnerable side. It's the plot of so many books—Twilight, Fifty Shades of Grey, all the romance novels from Mills & Boon, et al. I also roll my eyes when the girl is always fainting, being carried around in the guy's strong arms, so weak and needing protection and rescue. That just really needs to go away!

I can't find a copy of Shadow of Night, the second book in the All Souls Trilogy. I was hoping that would be my novel assignment for February.

Anyway, have you read A Discovery of Witches? How'd you like it? Please tell me in the comments! I'm hoping to do a book club thing on this blog. If I find a copy of Shadow of Night by next week, let's make that our book for February!

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Counting my blessings

I'm finding it more difficult to update Topaz Horizon. I've decided long ago that this will be my silly blog (which doesn't mean I'm a silly person haha) and I'll put fashion and Hollywood celebs and TV shows and glam events here. But now that my life's been devoted to hearth and home, there's really not much to talk about here (although I talk a lot about hearth and home over at Topaz Mommy!).

I've been without yayas for almost a month now. So no more events for me. Well, I've really been declining invitations for a while now, since I retired from magazines. I only go out if I really really like the brand or the person inviting me. But, as with these things, you say no too many times and they stop inviting you. The result is a much quieter life—less shrill voices, less dealing with traffic, less dressing up and putting on make up.

We spent an afternoon just having the silliest fun! 

There's more dinners with my kids, more time for LEGO and Cars and Toy Story, more chats with the toddler, more breastfeeding with the baby, longer bath times, more bedtime stories now. There's more conversations with my husband, more making love, more cuddles, more laughter. There's more books, more naps, more time with friends and family, and it's been quiet enough lately that there's more prayer for me now.
Vito and I spent nearly an hour making this!

I like this retreat from the world. I think I like it because I spent a lot of years living glamorously, loudly. I've been there, I've done that. I don't feel like I'm missing out. Although I will admit that when I do attend events now and see dear friends, I miss them. So I miss the people, but not that world.

Still, the world seems to still find its way to me. Recently, I got some lovely surprises. They were sent because I'm a blogger and they love my blogs. Hooray! I'm glad for that. I really really am. Thank you!

Gingersnaps sent the boys the cutest clothes! Here's Iñigo with the boxes of goodies. He's obviously very engrossed in LEGO to care! I'll dress the boys up real soon so you can see how cool the clothes are. What else? Go Nuts Donuts sent over their latest creation—the Cookie Butter flavor. It is so yummy! I ate 4 in one sitting! Karimadon sent exquisite LadurĂ©e macarons straight from Hong Kong (and other fabulous surprises!) because they loved that I loved their VIP room. Taste Central sent me shopping credits. And magazines Northern Living and Real Living asked me to be featured in their mom issues!

Getting ready for my Northern Living shoot while my sister entertains little Iñigo.

My blessings aren't just material gifts. My favorite ones are from my family and neighbors. My sister, Jacqui, has been dropping by to take care of the kids. She has saved me from going insane. My sister-in-law, Anj, and her son, Zo, have also entertained the boys when I had to go to a meeting, they volunteered their Fridays to babysit, and I get to borrow their cleaning lady, too. My in-laws send over food like mangoes and nuts and caldereta, which means less time in the kitchen for me. My neighbors, Claire, Earl, Dada and Cathee, have also lightened the burden of caring for little babies with their encouragement, friendship and prayer.

So while my life recently has been less busy and stressful, it's also been more full. Too full. My heart is overflowing with love and gratitude!