Showing posts with label TV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TV. Show all posts

Monday, April 19, 2010

What a happy anniversary!

This past weekend was just lovely. Vince and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary and the 11th anniversary of when we fell in love! I'll update soonest with a proper post, but for now here's a look back on that very special day:

Tessa Prieto-Valdes a.k.a. The Sea Princess wrote about our wedding in her column. I totally forgot where I put the news clipping of that! But here's another from the Inquirer (click photos to enlarge):

I'll have the Wedding Essentials magazine feature and Cosmopolitan mention scanned so you can take a look, too. I wish I'd also recorded the bridal feature on Kate Torralba's wedding gowns of some TV show. I heard that we had really nice photos from our wedding shown there. Oh well! Have a nice week!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Chuck!!! Chuck!!! Chuck!!!

Forget about Christmas! I suddenly can't wait for this year to end! January 10 never felt so far away! Chuck is baaaaaaack!!!

Sigh. I'm so excited! Chuck and Sarah's budding love affair (and sexual chemistry!) is like a nice heated blanket on a bitterly cold day. Makes me feel all warm and toasty from head to toe. And is it just me or is Chuck getting cuter and Sarah's getting hotter? Is that even possible??? Love Chuck! The countdown has begun! 

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I need assistance. Or assistants.

This is beginning to look very attractive.

At a shoot, the model said, "Oh fuck, I'm wearing a dress? I forgot to shave my legs." She flipped open her phone and said, "Where are you? Get me a razor and I need it now." Five minutes later, a girl appears (I kid you not when I said 5 minutes) with a 7-11 plastic bag with, not one, not two, but three fresh razors (model must be really hairy, eh?).

At another shoot, the stylist had her assistant lug around the bags and clothes and shoes while she walked about the set in her sky-high heels, fresh as a daisy.

At the office, a fellow editor-in-chief had her driver pick up all her bags and folders and bring them to the waiting car where she just slid into the back seat and had the door shut for her and she was whisked away. No, this wasn't Pauline of Preview.

At a bloggers event, I asked a fellow blogger how she can update her blog three to four times a day, "You have a full-time job, like me. Goodness, when I get home, I still have to do chores." "Chores?" she laughed. "I have a maid."

Watching Mad Men the other night, I was struck by how they bossed around their secretaries: "Call this guy, make me coffee, pick this up, type this, send that." Or how Betty Draper barked, "Show him the door, take the laundry upstairs, get the kids."

Betty may be the perfect housewife...

... but that's because she has Clara behind the scenes!

That is not my life and it has never been my life. In my job, I xerox my own pages, fill up my own forms, schedule my own meetings, call the people I need to talk to myself and bring my own huge bags. At home, I do my own cooking and cleaning and housekeeping (with a lot of help from Vince who loves to clean!). We don't have a car so I take the bus or the train or the cab or the tricycle. I line up at the bank to pay the bills, the grocery to buy food, the drugstore to refill my prescriptions, the post office to send and pick up packages. I do everything!!!

"No wonder you're so tired," my friends all tut-tut, their beautifully painted faces expressing concern and their perfectly manicured hands patting me sympathetically. I look at my own bare nails, cracked from exposure to detergent and bleach or at my own uncombed hair and wonder if they're right: I need slaves.

Yes. Slaves. Say what you will but Filipinos still have that master-slave mentality. We never pay our help/assistants well enough for the work they do for us. And we never allow them to treat us as equals (be honest!). And that is just a step above slavery. That is why I refuse to have maids or hire an assistant. But these days, I'm really beginning to think I need one. Or two. I need help.

Blair and Dorota have a cute relationship. But I don't know
any Filipino who has a cute relationship with their maids.

My idea of heaven now? At work, I can wear heels all day since I'm not running about doing my errands and picking up papers myself. I don't need to worry about heavy bags because someone's sent them to my house already. Then I come home to a clean house, the table set and hot home-cooked food waiting for me. I will eat it then stand up and not think about washing the dishes. Food magically appears at meal times. When I open my closet, freshly laundered and pressed clothes greet me. My shoes are always polished. The rabbits are always clean and fluffy. I can just focus on me and Vince and books and writing... It sounds lovely but I simply can't see myself bossing about another human being.

And this is why I can't imagine having children! I just can't handle anymore on my plate!

Oh, maybe I just need a day at the spa and the salon. I'll feel better after a good massage, a foot scrub, a mani and pedi, a scalp massage, a facial and hot ginger tea... Mmmm.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

My Juicy appearance

I start every month with a promoting blitz for OK! magazine. So tomorrow you may want to watch Juicy on TV5 at 11am (here's hoping my spot doesn't get bumped off again!). Here are some pics from the taping yesterday (yey, I finally have photos where my red hair looks red!):

Hello to all the viewers of Juicy!

Alex Gonzaga and IC Mendoza browse the June ish.

They like it. They really like it!

I don't remember what this laughing was all about
but I think it had to do something about sex!

So much fun! Also tomorrow I'll be on the following radio shows:
Listen in if you like! I have a very squeaky voice but I'm smart and funny so you can expect to be entertained. And please please grab a copy of the June issue of OK! magazine.

Better yet, send me a photo of yourself with my magazine! Here's my email: My favorite photo wins a prize!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

When those 30 seconds really were worth your time

TV commercials these days are just crap. They're mostly inane and stupid and just assume the viewer is just as stupid and inane. Remember when it was actually a joy to sit for the commercial breaks? These days, I use those breaks to surf other channels, go to the loo, check the ref for food, or write Colonix reviews in my new beauty blog.

There are a few good ones that I do enjoy. Like this one from Close Up:

And this one from Sony Bravia three years ago:

And the "First Time, First Love" commercial of Coke! So '80s! (Yes, I was born in the '70s so I have a pretty good memory of this ad):

The '80s were the golden age for Coke ads but my favorite was the Pepsi commercial starring Fred Savage where he was writing a love letter to a girl and he was inspired by the drink, prompting the girl to realize, "I feel like... a Pepsi." So sad I can't find it on YouTube!

But the ad I truly truly love is this vintage Apple TVC that my husband tells me brings back memories of another age.

We feel every word because Vince and I have always been the misfits, the rebels and troublemakers that people never really understood. I know my parents always worried about me, afraid I'd end up dead because I always stirred up trouble but, hey, I turned out okay! The funny thing is, as media people, Vince and I are both in positions where we can actually mold the minds of our readers. It's crazy that we are where we are. We have dangerous thoughts and someone is actually paying us to spread them!

By the way, I found this vid through the utterly wonderful poet Susannah-Cole. She inspires me with her words and her images, and we are both "secret keepers of hope," believers in moving the world forward one blog post at a time.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

More good news!

I know this news is a week late but Chuck is back for a third season! After all the emails and petitions of fans, the beloved spy comedy romance is returning to our TV screens on March 2010. I am so happy! Thanks, NBC!

2010 is many months away so I'm glad I still have The Tudors to keep me riveted. This is one of the best shows ever! It's history, politics, sex, scandal, religion, lavish excess, intrigue, style, love and passion all rolled into one! Right now, King Henry is disenchanted with his new wife, Anne of Cleves. Anne is played by Joss Stone and she's actually good--who knew that singer can be a good actress, too?

Showtime really has fantastic shows; aside from The Tudors, they also have Dexter--the serial murderer series. I love this one! It's funny, dark and bloody, and just chilling! I love the marketing promo, too (see above)--very clever, very sophisticated, very Dexter. The fourth season is set to debut this fall in the US so I have that to watch when The Tudors is done. I think I mentioned this somewhere in my blog before but I must confess that of all the fictional characters I've ever met (in a book, a story, a movie, etc), I relate to Dexter Morgan the most. Now that's something that scares even me...

Fringe is another show I love. It's all about the supernatural and mysterious, kinda like The X-Files but I kinda like Fringe better. I adore Olivia Dunham so much I want to name my daughter after her character! The no-nonsense Olivia is played by Aussie actress Anna Torv--that's her floating up there. She is unconventionally beautiful and she gets lovelier with each episode. The first season just ended and there's no word from Fox yet when the second season will be but I'm happy to note that there will most definitely be a new season!

Well, judging from the shows I watch, you can tell I'm not a fan of the silly, fluffy and frivolous. Yeah, I like my entertainment raw, strange, mind-boggling, bizarre, even frightening. Then the delightful Chuck (and the sadly discontinued Pushing Daisies) happened and I have never been more in love with such a sunny, happy character! And despite Chuck's sunniness, the show ain't dumb and silly at all!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Give me more Chuck!!!

Had a crazy dream the other night. It was so vivid, I woke up breathless and discombobulated.

My favorite show now is Chuck. I am seriously in love with everything on that show. It's one of the few intelligent and entertaining shows on television--emphasis on intelligent! It's also one of the best written, funny, romantic, action-packed, wonderfully acted shows ever! And Zachary Levi and Yvonne Strahovski are so cute together and everyone in the cast are such amazing actors. Bravo to everyone in and behind Chuck!

Anyway, the dream was Chuck and Sarah were sent to spy on some animal activists who were actually terrorists with a mission to blow up the San Diego Zoo. I don't know where Casey was since all I saw was Chuck and Sarah. Anyway, off they went, rescuing the animals when suddenly women in black bikinis started parading in front of the zoo, protesting the caging of animals. Chuck was obviously distracted (I got distracted, too) and the animal activists/terrorists were able to get to him! I was in a panic at this point! Then Sarah stripped down to a black bikini, too, so that she can infiltrate the animal activists' headquarters and rescue Chuck, which she did, and they ended my dream with a really sweet kiss!

For the latest Philippine news stories and videos, visit GMANews.TV

I actually understand why I dreamed this. Last week, I saw on the news some PETA activists in bikinis protesting in front of the Manila Zoo, which infuriated the zoo administrator who said that it was more wrong to wear bikinis than to cage animals (hahaha!). Second, I read on recently that an animal activist is actually on the FBI's Most Wanted List--and he ain't there for good behavior. And last--but most important of all!--I love Chuck and have been seriously upset since NBC decided they can't decide if they want to renew it for a third season (NBC, pleeeeease!)

Gosh, I really really want to watch Chuck FOREVER! Angel Cohn of Television Without Pity gives you seven excellent reasons why Chuck should remain on air. And if you're not watching Chuck, then for the love of your brain, please do so!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

This is the thief who owes me P80,000++

Last November 21, this woman stole my wallet and charged more than PHP 80,000 (USD 1,709) worth of gadgets on my gold HSBC card.

For the latest Philippine news stories and videos, visit GMANews.TV

This is not the first time she's been featured on the local news. But no one can seem to identify her! The security team of our office building--they had caught her before and released her!--say her name is Noralyn Beltran. Her modus operandi is to go to offices and steal. She does this every end of the week, at around 4 PM, which is about the time people are having their merienda (coffee break) and so are apt to leave their belongings on their desk. This thief must be caught. Please forward this post and video to everyone you know. Thank you.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Blessings update

So people have been asking me how the credit card theft's been and how I am. Well, I'm actually okay. I'm not happy about it but I'm happy about my life so why ruin my wonderful life with a petty thief?

I was telling my friends that in the great big scheme of things, it's just money. Granted, it's a lot of money and I still don't know how I'll pay for it if HSBC decides that I'll have to pay for it (I really hope they don't!). But on that day my wallet was stolen, things did become very clear to me on what's important in my life. When Vince strode into the office pantry, where I was eating with my staff, with this tight and worried expression on his face, my heart went up my throat.

I thought, "Please, dear God, don't let it be someone's dead again!"

Then he said "The bank called. Someone's using your card right now. Check your things."

I hurried to my desk in alarm but all I felt was this huge relief. Of course, when I found out later that the thief charged a TON of stuff on my card, my knees went weak. But that night, I was able to sleep. Every time I would get upset, I'd remember that strange feeling of relief and gratitude that all my loved ones were safe, and I'd feel better. The past week's actually been good. A few upsets now and then and I've practically chained my bag to my person but, I'm okay. Had a lovely lunch with my in-laws, watched the Twilight premiere for free with friends, celebrated Papa's birthday, had fun chatting with old friends... Life is great!

Anyway, a friend sent this email last Wednesday that we must give everything--even the tiniest concern--to God. So I told God that night, "Lord, I know You are sovereign over all and everything will turn out well for those who love You. It is a sin to worry because it shows I don't trust in You so forgive me and I will offer this up to You and trust in Your plan, whatever happens! I just wish You can give me something nice so I won't feel so bad. I know I'm being selfish but I feel really bad so a nice gift will be much appreciated."

That was my prayer Wednesday night. The very next morning, Vince and I won a brand new Samsung TV LCD-HDTV! I kid you not!!! And it came with two fancy DVD players! We're so happy and excited. We feel that more blessings and surprises are coming our way. God is good! God is good!

So I'll leave you with that for a while, dear readers. I need to pack for our trip to Disneyland tomorrow. On my way to the happiest place on earth, they say, but I think I already am there and that's all because of the peace in my mind, the joy in my heart, the love in my life, and the faith I forever proclaim.

See y'all next week!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My first Sony experience is with my Sony Bravia

Remember that story when I proposed to Vince with the Sony Playstation 3? Well, here's another Sony story. Because we have rabbits, we are quite fond of this Bravia TVC. Of course, it helps that we watch it on our very own 32" Bravia TV.

We're fonder of this Bravia Bunny, however. Isn't Galadriel the cutest ever???Our rabbits are Sony bunnies! Oh, and my two phones are sturdy Sony Ericssons, my SLR camera is a Sony Cybershot, we read books on the Sony eBook Reader, we fight over who gets to play with the PSP, and of course, Vince plays with his PS3 games and I exercise to aerobics videos played through the PS3, too, on our beloved Bravia.

Yep, we live in a Sony world because we really were quite impressed with the Bravia. It definitely gave significance in my life just like the Sony's World's First Noise-Canceling Notebook Computer, the VAIO T Series, which is what I'm salivating for lately because I want to blog anywhere and everywhere and in peace!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

I'm on TV!

Part of my job is to attend events, product launches and give interviews. Also, to appear on TV or pop up on radio shows to impart my wisdom on celebrity matters (hahaha!). Anyway, the stuff here are a few weeks old so that hopefully, you didn't see me on TV making a fool of myself. I'm not the type to promote my appearances. I did that once and then all I got from friends and family were, "Who did your makeup? You looked like a tranny!", "You look really fat.", "Why can't you speak in straight English?" (this was on a Tagalog morning show), and my favorite: "On TV, you look drunk." So strange! I don't even drink alcohol (I'm allergic)!

But Mary Kay sent me this YouTube link and it's so embarrassing but in a I-can-laugh-at-me sorta way. I'm the talkative girl being made up. I'm sure the Mary Kay artist was silently wishing me to shut up hehehe. You have to watch until the end of the clip where I'm smiling and then I thought the photographer was done and then he asked me for another shot. I'm so FAKE!

Below is a behind-the-scenes look of me and Nikki, associate fashion and beauty editor, on a guest stint on "The Sweet Life." We were talking about how to look good in anything, courtesy of tips from Hollywood stars. I'm wearing my silk Jill Stuart dress and beige Nine West pumps. Just sayin'! Look at hosts Lucy Torres and Wilma Doesnt. They are soooo thin! And pretty. Sigh!

Seriously though, guesting on TV is no joke. Aside from the absolute certainty that I am going to make a big blunder (I curse like a sailor and I have a tendency to spill secrets), there's the more distressing problem of waiting and waiting and waiting...

We were asked to arrive at 9 PM but the taping didn't start till 12 midnight. Then we were on that set for about 5 minutes. With editing, the clip on TV will run for a mere 2 or 3 minutes. But you waited a few hours just to have that done! It's not their fault. That's how TV really is. That's why I like live TV more. Sure, you have this HUGE opportunity to make a terrible mistake but at least the whole ordeal is over and done with in 15 minutes!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The world is just awesome!

I love this Discovery Channel commercial. As regular readers of Topaz Horizon know, I'm a huge fan of this beautiful planet. So when Discovery Channel played this and I saw it, I got all misty-eyed. I always shout to the hubby when it's playing, "Baby, the boom-de-yaya ad is on!" And then I just sit in front of the TV and bask in the love of my fellow men for Planet Earth.

Nope, it never gets old.