Showing posts with label vito sales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vito sales. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Vito goes furniture shopping!

Look who we caught shopping for modern furniture!

Vince and I brought Vito to his Auntie Anj's chair boutique, About A Chair. He had been fussing at the lunch table, mostly because 2pm is when he starts his nap time so we figured we'll just do a quick stop at the shop then leave. Well, as soon as Vito saw the miniature versions of these designer chairs, he came alive!
Arne Jacobsen's Ant Chair
Verner Panton's Panton Chair
Eero Aarnio's Ball Chair

Let me repeat: They're mini versions! So adorable. Vito happily climbed over them, tested them, and gurgled over them. I think he liked the Ball Chair best. The cushion's very soft and it feels like a cocoon.

Are we buying? Well, first Vince and I have to buy that sofa we wanted at BoConcept! And then we'll buy Vito his own chair when we move to a bigger apartment or to a house house, which isn't for a good long while. Sigh!

But if you're looking for fantabulous accent/designer chairs for your home, I highly recommend About A Chair!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Relishing these days

Here's why:

More on that baby boy in Topaz Mommy. Hope you're finding things to be grateful for. Life is so very short!

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

What I wore... to brunch with fellow editors

Had a really really lovely brunch last week at Momo at the Ayala Triangle Gardens. To whoever said magazine editors starve themselves to death, well, you haven't met the editors I work with. We love to eat! It's almost embarrassing how we gobble up food. Diet is an alien word!

From left: me, Good Housekeeping EIC Tisha Alvarez Angluben,
Smart Parenting EIC Mia Fausto Cruz and Women's Health
EIC Lara Parpan
We had truffled eggs, scrambled eggs, sausages, tapa, waffles, pancakes, fruit, jellies and jams, all washed down with Illy coffee and guava tea. Burp!

We also talked about scary ghost stories (this was the fault of Karotitay's blog post). Mia Fausto Cruz had the scariest ghost stories ever! Like our hair was super standing on end. It's a good thing we were bathed in sunlight because if our meal happened to have been dinner, I think we'd be screaming our heads off!

Here I am with Cosmopolitan EIC Zo Aguila and Tisha. Beige and tan, yup, the colors of the day! I'm wearing a Paper Dolls dress, Nine West sandals, Charles & Keith shades, and that's my super duper loved Fino doctor's bag.

Speaking of screaming his head off, this little boy just recently discovered the joys of being very very loud. He loves waking up and announcing to the world he's awake by shrieking happily... into his parents' sleepy ears! And when he's unhappy and upset, well, same thing! What a loudmouth! Just like his mama!

Monday, February 28, 2011

7 things I'm loving right this minute

1. My nail polish! It's Glitzerland from O.P.I. It's a very fine crushed gold that looks great against my skin and with my topaz ring!

2. The funny Garnier video for the roll-on eye brightener and de-puffer. Only because I suffer from terrible dark circles so this actually is something I can very well relate to! (Crickette, I finally sent you this! Tell me how it goes!)

Goodies and Sweets Chocolate Cake with Caramel Sauce
3.'s Top 10 chocolate cakes. I just had that cake in the photo actually. It is love! Guys, if the girl you're trying to win is sick of getting fancy chocolates from you, try giving her cake instead! It's casual, almost friendly, and yet it's still chocolate. And if she still doesn't give you her sweet yes, then take comfort in the fact that this luscious cake is fattening! For more unusual chocolate gifts, go check out Sharri's Berries Facebook page for ideas.

4. The Mogu Mogu introduction. It's so... strange! It's almost profound! "Fruit Juice. Gotta Chew!!" What does it mean?!?

5. The Sony VAIO S. Because it's pink! Period. For more substantial reasons, check out what the Third World Nerd had to say about the new VAIOs. Seriously makes me want to buy this instead of a Mac! (Bad hair day, I know. But just lookit my smile!)

6. Rustan's Makati's red carpeted entrance. I love Power Plant but no mall makes me feel like a VIP quite like Rustan's Makati does!

7. Vito trying to remove his Thudguard helmet while eating carrots I steamed, mashed, sieved myself. But I love him every minute!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Kung Hei Fat Choi! Hoping the predictions are correct!

I don't believe in astrology. But because of the Chinese New Year coming up in a few days, I've been inundated by horoscopes left and right. And... I'm a likin' what I'm readin'!

In the year of the Metal Rabbit, I, a Fire Dragon, will have unbelievable luck. Well, Dragons are always lucky because it's supposed to be a very powerful sign. But in 2011, my horoscope says I'm to expect good fortune in my career, finances, relationships and health. Hey, that's just about everything! The only thing that's supposed to be bad for me is water sports. And here I was thinking of taking up swimming! Well, scrap that!

Then there's the Western influences on the Eastern year. That means I, a Scorpio, can also check Aries as my horoscope since Aries is the Western equivalent of the Dragon. Huh? Did that confuse you? See this list!

Anyway, so according to this seer, this is what I should expect in 2011:
Scorpio—A year of much entertaining and socializing. Financial gains are indicated. And you are able to consolidate your position to a very high decree. Obstacles are still there but no major obstruction.
Aries—Calm is restored to you in the Year of 2011. The winds of fortune blow on your sails again. Home life is settled and finances are stabilized.

Wow. Looks like a fun year for me! Entertaining, socializing, money coming in, work going well, and calm. Deep blessed calm. As some of you know, 2010 was a year of high drama for me--the joys and fears of new motherhood, and the anguish of having someone so utterly selfish in my life. Ugh, I don't even want to think about the latter one. Anyway, if 2011 will bring calm to my highly strung emotional state, then I welcome this year with open arms!

Vince, since I know you're reading this, I've taken the liberty of reading your horoscope (and please stop rolling your eyes!). You're a Wood Tiger and your Western sign is Aquarius. The Western equivalent of the Tiger is also Aquarius so I didn't get very confused looking you up.

According to this, 2011 is a good year for your career. But it also says you will put in a lot of work for that to happen. And you'll laugh and say, "That is why it will be a good year because I have to work my ass off dammit!" I know, right?! Anyway, lotsa money, lotsa good opportunities, lotsa socializing from May to November. Weird! I honestly cannot see you socializing!

And as for your Western predictions,
Aquarius—A happier year is in store for you. Love and business affairs are in the upswing and things are generally more rosy and any obstacle is easily overcome. Good news is forthcoming.

I love good news! Happiness, love, rosy future, easily overcome obstacles--why, that's just fab!

Vito is a Metal Tiger, a Leo and an Aquarius (Western equivalent). So he will enjoy his home life this year. Well, with you and me as his parents, Vito will most definitely have a fabulous home life!

That's it! I don't believe in this astrology business but I am more than willing to believe that in 2011, everything will be alright. I don't even need the foretold money and career heights; I just want that peace and calm and goodness.

Have a good and blessed year, everyone!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

On hand-me-downs

There's a huge Baby Co. sale at Megamall right about now and I've been wanting to go except that I am sick. A cold that started three weeks ago finally took a dramatic turn for the worse and I have taken to bed.

Anyway, I don't really need anything for Vito. Being the youngest boy in the male-dominated Sales family, he's inherited a ton of clothes and baby things from his cousins. I just wanted to get foodie things like a bowl, a sippy cup, a rubber-tipped spoon, a food grinder and... Well, I just wanted to check things out! I also wanted to go to the department store and get slipcovers for our dining chairs. With Vito about to embark on solid food in a couple of weeks, our lovely house is in danger!

My onesies, socks, bibs, stroller, carrier, bath tub... all for free!
Anyway, I also wanted to shop because I've been dealing with this nagging feeling that I'm not getting Vito new stuff. You know? His stuff. It was Vince who started it. He's the youngest in his family and he always got his brother's hand-me-downs. So even though he likes it that we haven't spent anything on Vito's clothes and stuff, he also feels bad that we aren't even trying to get him new things.

I'm no stranger to hand-me-downs either. Because my family didn't have much when I was growing up, I got the clothes of my cousins. And oh those clothes were so beautiful! So I have a good experience with second-hand stuff. Hence, my fascination with eBay!
DVF silk ladybug shift dress from eBay!
Miu Miu by Prada silk dress
from eBay!
H&M belted LBD from eBay!
But then I have friends who also gave birth this year. And they tell me about how the onesies here are so cute or the bibs over there are so clever or how the strollers now are so high-tech... and I get insecure. There are so many nice new things out there! Should I rush out and get them for my Vito? After all, he is my first born. My only child. Should I try harder? Am I taking this save-the-planet thing a bit too far? Am I relying too much on the kindness and oh so wonderful generosity of my Sales family? (Thanks, Anj! Thanks, Lizelle!)

I really don't want to care but it's so strange how a little baby changes everything!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Now I'm sick!

Hubby was sick last weekend, then yesterday I caught the bug, too. That's what happens when you sleep together! And in this case, I mean sleep literally.

I don't think my coughs and colds will be as bad as Vince's, though. I've fortified my system with gingery broths and lemongrass tea (make your own!). I've even gone to Murad for my skin treatment that includes Vitamin C serum for the face so that if any germs settle on my skin, the anti-oxidants will kill it. Just a silly theory--don't quote me!

Still, no rest for the weary. I have a lot of work to do, errands, events. And then there's the big baby, who is, thankfully, better. He caught the bug too but because I am breastfeeding him, he gets the antibodies my body's producing to fight this cold. And now Vito's like the Energizer bunny! He's super cute. Go to my mommy blog for more photos of this baby in red.

So there. Just an update! I got a lot of feedback in my previous post, and some have emailed me asking for recipes that have just 3 ingredients. These are from exhausted wives/moms who are looking for quick and inexpensive meals to make. Single women living in the big city have also emailed with the same request. And I will answer in my next post. For now, I will sleep!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Weekend report

Well, I am a tired woman right now. Spent all of yesterday listening to my kid's yaya talk about her daughter's disappearance (she took her three sons with her so Ate Marita's worried sick about the grandkids, too). To cheer her up, I told her to go to the mall and shop. She came back excited about--you'll never guess--LCD TVs! Samsung and a Chinese-sounding brand being her top choices. I was, like, "Ate M, an LCD TV is expensive!" Mebbe she wants a raise (again?!), you think?

So I sent her home early because she wanted to hunt down her daughter and grandsons. That left me alone with Vito, which was okay, until Vince came home feeling very much under the weather. Uh oh. We were expecting company, too. Well, everything went well last night but today, Vince felt really awful. Plus, Vito was extra fussy. I tell ya, it ain't easy to take care of a baby and a sick hubby all by my lonesome. But they're finally both asleep and I am nursing a mug of coffee. (Decaf. Sad, I know.)

I haven't had a shower. My hair is all mussed up. My body is aching all over. There are dishes to be washed, fresh laundry to be folded and put away, clutter to sort... I am exhausted. It's hard to be a homemaker!

The trouble with having kids late...

... is I have no more friends who'll get married in the next three to five years. That means Vito won't ever get to be a ring/coin/Bible bearer. It would've been so cute to see him in a little suit or barong, walking most seriously (I imagine him to take his duties most seriously!) down that long aisle. I'd be such a proud momma!
Vince's cute nephews Kevin and Zo at our 2007 wedding
Well, I did propose to Vince that we could renew our vows when Vito's 3 or 4 or 5 years old. That way, Vito gets to be a ring bearer and I get to have new wedding jewelry! Definitely a fantastic plan! Now if only I can fit into my gown again...
Nope. I didn't diet or exercise to fit into that dress.
I was really just thin. Now my birthing hips are impossible! 

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Tomorrow, I'll be 34!

Wow! I am now at that most feared time: Mid-life! Or is mid-life at 40? I dunno really although it makes sense that it's around the ages 34-36 because life expectancy is at 70 so divide that by 2 and you get 35. Simple math, complicated time.

Here's what I currently look like:

Not bad, not bad. I don't look young anymore but neither do I look like I need Botox! Although I gotta admit I've been slathering on the anti wrinkle creams when I can. I'm using Lancome Hydra-Zen now but my friend Nicole tells me that Shu Uemura's Red:Juvenus is beyond amazing. So I'm trying that next.

Truth to tell, I'm the laziest girl in the world when it comes to beauty rituals. I love beauty magazines and products but when it comes to actually using them, I... don't. So I'm glad that I still look okay! I do have gorgeous parents to thank (although I am nowhere near as beautiful as my mother) but in the great scheme of things, I'm just pretty, not fabulously stunningly beautiful.

That's okay. I've never felt insecure about my looks or been jealous of other girls. I'm a great admirer of beauty actually. That's because my parents always told me that we're all God's creation so whatever you look like, you're beautiful.

Besides, I have such a blessed life. It's not without its troubles--and believe me, there's a lot right now--but no matter how I look at life, all I really see is how full of beauty it is. On top of my gratitude list: my husband and darling baby boy. Just one look at this sweetie and I feel all the years drop away from my face and my body. Vito's my No. 1 anti-aging secret!

What's your anti-aging weapon?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happiness is spelled like so: V-I-T-O!

At almost 10 weeks, my Vito's interacting. And not just because he's hungry-wet-sleepy. He's curious now, he looks around, listens, coos, mimics, smiles, laughs. His favorite source of amusement? His Papa!

Occasionally, he likes me, too!

To be honest, because of certain events, these past few days have felt like a nightmare. But when we see Vito, happiness just overflows. Yes, despite the disasters, life is good. Vince even dared to say, "Our life is perfect."

Vito, thank you.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Christmas is just around the corner! Let the preps begin!

You know how some people book photo shoots for their Christmas cards? I used to giggle at them. Well, guess who just joined that silly crowd? Me!

This photo was taken by my sister, Jacqui, and it's now my Facebook profile pic. It's cute enough, I think, for photo cards but Vince isn't with us so no, can't use this. And the picture's too dark. And our outfits just won't do! Besides, by December, Vito's face is going to be much different. I guess I should just book a photo shoot in November.

Meanwhile, we're taking dozens upon dozens of shots of our little boy. This is him last Tuesday. Now, doesn't that smile just brighten your day?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Vito on my phone

I finally learned how to transfer my files from my Sony Ericsson Elm phone to my HP Mini!!! Congratulate me please! Yep, I may be married to the Third World Nerd but that doesn't mean I'm just as great with gadgets. So now that I finally understood Bluetooth, I feel like I've achieved a lot!

I uploaded more photos on Facebook but I'm sharing some of them here for you, my loyal readers. As you can probably tell from the pics, my life is spent in the bedroom, staring at this little wonder. And though he has a crib (with a special extra-long mattress I had a hard time looking for!), he prefers to sleep with Mama and Papa.
3 days old.
Vito is still looking bashed up from the birth--cone head,
puffy eyes--but he's still so adorable!

2 weeks and 3 days old.
Vince and Vito getting some sun.

3 weeks old.
Vito is attacked by infant acne. You know what cured it?
Breast milk applied 3x a day. Doctor said so!

3 weeks and 3 days old.
See? Infant acne reduced dramatically just 3 days
after the breast milk application.

Vito always sleeps with the iPad playing his sleepy music.
 The iPad also saves me from boredom while I breastfeed him!

3 weeks and 3 days old.
My little bobblehead's awake! Vito wears Tushy Wushy cloth diapers.
Fantastic invention! Sometimes it lasts longer on him than disposables!

1 month and 1 day old.
When Vito wakes from his afternoon nap, he's all happy,
then fussy, then hungry, then sleepy. This is obviously the happy part!

 1 month and 4 days old.
Love that smile! Many thanks to Auntie Anj and Cousin Zo
for all the nice clothes little Vito has!

He's too cute! Vince wants me to use the Olympus when taking photos of his son but my phone's always beside me so... It takes good pictures, no? Love Sony talaga!

Friday, September 24, 2010

What's your health plan?

Seriously, I grew up a sickly girl but these past 10 months, I've seen too many doctors and too much hospital (and handed over too much money!) for my taste. So we've finally given birth but that only means even more face time with another kind of doctor: the pediatrician. This is my family at the pediatrician two weeks ago:
Vito is one month old here! I'm still trying to lose the preggy belly!
Well, time to shop for a good health plan. I actually have health insurance courtesy of my employ but it's not the same as the one I grew up with. It's a huge shock to me since I had amazing health care growing up as the beneficiary of my Mama (she used to work in Meralco)--All medical conditions covered. All dental work covered. If the procedure is cosmetic, 25% covered. I used to go in and out of hospitals with not a peso on me and the insurance paid for absolutely everything. So when Mama died and I had to avail of the health plan at work... well, let's just say it's not the same.

So now that we have this fascinating young man in our lives, Vince and I need to get a good, solid, reliable Medicare plan. Soon. Do you have a health plan? What is it? Are you happy with it? Help!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Because He lives, I can face tomorrow"

Since getting sick of pneumonia last March, all I ever pray for now is good health, safety and protection of Vince and myself. And since the day Vito was born, I pray for his good health, safety and protection, too. I told you before that I'm such a worrier and now that I'm a mom, the worries have multiplied.

Vito and me at the pediatrician--always a nervous time for me. 

Every day, when Vince goes to work, I ask God fervently to keep him safe and bring him home whole. Every night, as Vito goes to sleep, I ask God to keep my son breathing. In other words, I am a nervous wreck. I guess what that really means is I don't really believe that God will keep us safe and healthy, right?

Then today, after I prayed that God keep my family safe and sound yet again, I was going through my Facebook updates when this phrase on someone's wall caught my eye: "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow."

No more worries! Everything will be okay because God holds the future!

And just like that, I knew that God rebuked me and assured me at the same time. "Because He Lives" is an old Christian hymn that my mother used to sing. Sometimes she sang it, her voice triumphant with joy and conviction. Sometimes she sang it, her voice quivering with hope for a better tomorrow. And now I find myself singing it.

How sweet to hold a newborn baby
And feel the pride and joy he gives;
But greater still the calm assurance:
This child can face uncertain days because He lives!
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living just because He lives!

Amen, Lord. I will trust and believe!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Body after baby

Quick nonsensical post! After my very serious posts on my mommy blog, I figured we can talk about something a little less serious (but still important!)--body image.

The week after I gave birth was hard not just because I was adjusting to life with a newborn but also because every time I looked at the mirror, I saw a body that still looked pregnant but was much flabbier and with all these horrible discolorations and stretch marks. I looked absolutely awful and that mirrored how I felt. I was very afraid I'd never be attractive to my husband ever again. Of course, Vince assured me I'd always be hot to him but he did ask when can we start on a fitness regimen!

Well, I shouldn't have been so fearful. Because I'm exclusively breastfeeding, I lost all the pregnancy weight in just 2 weeks. Two weeks, people! Yep. I'm now back to 110 lbs. No diet, no exercise. Actually, I'm eating a LOT. Breastfeeding makes you really hungry. As in, kain karpintero. I have to eat a lot and take vitamins because I'm feeding another person and so when the scale says I'm losing weight, I don't see that as a good thing. So eat eat eat I go.

Just another day in the life of a new mom. One week, you worry you'll never lose weight, the next week, you worry about losing too much weight! Well, my body image is now controlled by how it affects the people I love. All I care about now is being attractive to my husband and also being a good source of nutrition for my child. Health is now my top priority, if I haven't spelled that out clearly enough. Geez, for the first time in my life, I care about my body's health. I am old, people. I am old!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Watch out, Puss!

You've got some stiff competition.

Really. Who can resist that face??? Love ya, Vito!